Innovative node: Functional imaging

Node leader: dr K. Jalink



Prominent activities in the Netherlands:

– Prof. D. Gadella, Dr J. Goedhart, Dr M. Hink, Dr. M. Postma UvA and LCAM: broad expertise in development and application of functional imaging techniques: FLIM, FCCS, FRET, probe development, instrumentation. Nikon Centre of expertise.

– Dr K. Jalink, NKI and LCAM: development and application of FRET probes; instrumentation, method   development. Advisor to and beta-lab for Leica microsystems, beta-lab for Lambert Instruments.

– Prof. E. Reits, dr R. Hoebe, AMC, broad expertise in functional imaging
– Dr. P. Krawczyk, AMC, Ultra-soft X-ray microirradiation system for real-time imaging of cellular responses to X-ray-induced DNA damage (


-Dr A. Houtsmuller, dr GJ van Capellen, Erasmus OIC: Broad knowledge in live-cell imaging and worldexperts in advanced FRAP applications.


-Prof. H. Gerritsen, Biophysics, UU: Fast (time-domain) FLIM,LIMO-FLIM, rFLIM, STED-FLIM development

-prof. Akhmanova & prof. L. Kapitein, UU: Optogenetics and 3D time-lapse.


-Dr. J. Franssen, Radboud University, NCMLS: Development and detailed characterization of FRET probes.


-Dr JW Borst, microspectroscopy centre, WU: dedicated to applying functional imaging methods in plants.


-Dr. M. Merkx, TUE: development of innovative probes